Safety Alert – Caution required with compounded oral liquid formulations – April 2019
Please read the Safety Alert which provides detailed information regarding the compounding of oral formulations. As there have been recent errors involving compounded oral formulations Council recommends that you take heed of the expert advice from the Compounding Advisory Group. You are advised to ensure that all dispensary staff read this information and ensure that a copy is readily available to refer to in future. We suggest keeping an electronic copy and include a hard copy in your manufacturing folder. If you have any queries regarding this alert, please contact the Manager, Compliance, Registration & Standards.
Safety Alert – Benzathine benzylpenicillin tetrahydrate Bicillin LA – HQSC – March 2019
Safety Alert – Atropine 0.01% – March 2018
Safety Alert – Atropine 0.01% – 1 August 2016 (since amended)