Pharmacy Council - Te Pou Whakamana Kaimatu o Aotearoa



Ngā akoako
Pharmacy Council consultations and submissions

Open consultations

There are currently no open consultations.

Previous consultations

Competence and accreditation standards consultation

We invited feedback on updates to the competence standards for pharmacists, and the competence standards for pharmacist prescribers. The consultation for both of these closed on 13 October 2022. We also sought feedback on accreditation standards and guidance for pharmacy programmes, with consultation closing on 29 September 2022. Click on the button to the left which links to a document that provides an overview of our consultation process, links to the consultation documents, and collated feedback for each of these documents. It also includes links to the new competence standards and accreditation standards published on 15 June 2023.

The document also highlights consultation and the outcome of the inclusion of one behaviour for the pharmacist prescriber competence standards that was inadvertently excluded.

APC Fee for the 2024/25 Practising Year


  • invited feedback on the Council’s proposal to increase the APC fee and Disciplinary Levy for the 2024/25 practising year,
  • published individual submissions and Council’s responses to professional association submissions on 23 January 2024,
  • published Council’s APC fee decision as a media release on 29 January 2024, and
  • published a summary document on Council’s decision on 29 January 2024. 

Naming Policy proposed changes

The Pharmacy Council consulted on the proposed changes to the Naming Policy during December 2023 and January 2024.

We invited submissions on proposed changes to the Naming Policy. Submissions closed at 5pm on 26 January 2024. 

The Council received feedback from two stakeholders: the Health and Disability Commissioner and the Pharmacy Guild of New Zealand.  Feedback included minor amendments, such as referencing the Privacy Act principles and considering the possible impact on patients’ privacy.

The majority of suggestions were adopted in the updated Naming Policy version.


Consultation on Principles for quality and safe prescribing practice

We invited feedback on the joint consultation on Principles for quality and safe prescribing practice. Submission closing date is 31 August 2023.

Inclusion of one behaviour in the new Pharmacist Prescriber Competence Standards

We invited feedback to reinstate a behaviour that was inadvertently omitted from the consultation on Pharmacist Prescriber Competence Standards. Consultation closed Sunday, 16 April 2023. 

APC Fee for the 2023/24 Practising Year


  • invited feedback on the Council’s proposal to increase the Annual Practising Certificate (APC) Fee for the 2023/24 practising year,
  • published Council’s decision as a APC Fee media release on Monday, 30 January 2023,
  • summarised consultation process in a FAQ document on Friday, 3 February 2023.

Competence Standards for the Pharmacy Profession and Guidance

We invited feedback on updates to the competence standards and guidance for the pharmacy profession. Consultation closed Thursday, 27 October 2022.

The new competence standards were published on 15 June 2023.

Competence Standards for Pharmacist Prescribers and Guidance

We invited feedback on updates to the pharmacist prescriber competence standards and guidance. Consultation closed Thursday, 13 October 2022.

The new competence standards for pharmacist prescribers were published on 15 June 2023.

Accreditation Standards and Guidance for Pharmacy Programmes

We invited feedback on updates to the accreditation standards and guidance for pharmacy programmes. Consultation closed Thursday, 29 September 2022. The new accreditation standards were published on 15 June 2023. 

APC Fee for the 2022/23 Practising Year

We invited feedback on the Council’s proposal to increase the Annual Practising Certificate Fee for the 2022/23 Practising Year. Submissions closed midnight on Sunday 28 November 2021.

Download a PDF of the Outcome from the 2022-23 Proposed APC fee Consultation.

Revised Pharmacist Prescriber Competence Standards Review

We have revised the competence standards for Pharmacist Prescribers and have sought submissions on them. Submissions closed on 20 November 2020.

Naming Policy

We invited feedback on the Council’s naming policy under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003. The consultation document includes the draft policy for naming health practitioners. Submissions closed on 13 December 2019.

APC Fee Consultation 2020-21

We invited feedback on the Council’s proposed APC fee for the 2020-21 practising year. Submissions closed on 20 September 2019.

Council contributions to external consultations

Medicines Classification Committee Maviret submission

Pharmacy Council submission on  MCC Marviret proposal

Read our submission on proposed change to prescription classification statement to include provision by pharmacists under certain circumstances 

Safe Access to Opioids submission

Pharmacy Council submission on the Safe Access to Opioids

Read the joint submission on Safe Access to Opioids provided by Dental Council and Pharmacy Council.

Therapeutic Products Bill submission

Pharmacy Council submission on the Therapeutic Products Bill

The submission describes Council’s view on the interface between the Bill and the Council’s regulatory work and the need for the two-regulatory models to work effectively alongside each other.

Reclassification of nitrofurantoin 

Pharmacy Council submission on the reclassification of nitrofurantoin – Medicines Classification Committee
68th meeting on 26 April 2022

The Pharmacy Council believes that pharmacists possess the competencies to appropriately supply nitrofurantoin as per the proposal in the application. However, we recommend that pharmacists be required to complete a formal training programme that focuses on assessment and triage of suspected urinary tract infection, supply of nitrofurantoin according to current practice and gazetted requirements, and provision of appropriate self-care and disease prevention measures. 

Proposed Vaccinating Health Worker Role – Survey

The Ministry of Health invited input from the health and disability sector into a proposed change to the Medicines Regulations.  The change involves expanding the scope of the COVID-19 Vaccinator Workforce into a new Vaccinating Health Worker role.  

Submission on the draft Terms of Reference and Standards for RA Performance Reviews

The submission was made jointly by the Pharmacy, Dental, Nursing, and Medical Councils of New Zealand. (Responsible Authorities are organisations like this Council, that register health professionals and ensure they are competent to practice.)