Pharmacy Council - Te Pou Whakamana Kaimatu o Aotearoa



Operations team
Te Rōpū Whakahaere
The Pharmacy Council members appoint the Chief Executive who then appoints the operations team. Our operations team helps the Pharmacy Council run smoothly.

To contact us, use the email format – [email protected] or contact [email protected].

The current team members are below. 


M Pead Chief Executive
M Adams Executive Assistant
N Taurima-Hinton Senior Advisor, Māori and Health Equity
K Jones Senior Communications and Engagement Advisor

Complaints and Discipline

N Siameja Registrar
L Lu Senior Case Manager
G Dahya Practice Advisor
M Trueman Registrations Officer (Notifications and Complaints)
T Solon Registrations Officer (Notifications and Complaints)

Registrations and Competence Assurance

T Farrelly Manager Registration and Competence Assurance
R Kaur Senior Advisor, Competence Assurance
J Lee Registration, Assessment and Recertification Administrator
W Wood Registration Officer

Strategy, Policy and Practice

Dr O George Manager Strategy, Policy and Practice
S Haynes Senior Advisor, Pharmacy Practice and Policy

Finance and Performance

V Lowe Manager Finance and Performance
R Blockley Assistant Accountant
L Stokes Office Administrator