Pharmacy Council - Te Pou Whakamana Kaimatu o Aotearoa



Fitness to practise
Ko te tōtika ki te whai i tēnei mahi
The HPCA Act requires the Pharmacy Council to be assured that all pharmacists applying for a practising certificate (recertifying) are fit to practise.

The Health Practitioners Competence Assurance (HPCA) Act 2003 requires the Pharmacy Council to be assured that all pharmacists applying for a practising certificate (recertifying) are fit to practise.

In your application to renew your practising certificate you must inform the Pharmacy Council (i.e. disclose) any changes since your last application, that may affect your fitness to practise. 

We will consider the information in your application and disclosure to assess your fitness to practise. You can be assured that any information you disclose will be treated in strict confidence. Where appropriate, our team will work alongside you to provide support to enable you to practise safely and ensure public safety.


Mental or physical condition

You are required to disclose any mental or physical condition and provide details of the illness, duration of treatment, and the name and contact details of your treating practitioner for any condition that may affect your fitness to practise pharmacy.



If you have been convicted of an offence in any court in New Zealand or overseas, please provide court documents with your disclosure.


Investigations, disciplinary or criminal proceeding

You must provide full details of any disciplinary actions, or investigations that you are (or have previously been) the subject of, by:

  • an employer, licensing body or professional organisation
  • the Health and Disability Commissioner,
  • in respect of any matter that was, or may lead to, a professional disciplinary proceeding in New Zealand or in another country.