

Criminal history checks
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In certain circumstances, we ask pharmacists and interns to send us their criminal history reports.

How to get a report of your criminal history check

To receive a copy of your record of criminal convictions in New Zealand, contact the Ministry of Justice. Allow at least 20 working days to receive your report.

Apply for a criminal record check from the Ministry of Justice


When you will need to give us a report

New Zealand and Australian graduates registering as intern pharmacists must give us a copy of their criminal conviction record.

If you have lived in other countries before you initially registered with us, you’ll need to provide a criminal conviction record from each of the countries you have lived in. If you’ve already sent these records to Immigration New Zealand, you might not need to send them to us.

Pharmacists or intern pharmacists applying for reinstatement to the Register must provide a criminal history check from New Zealand and all countries they have lived in.

The Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004 applies to these requirements. This means you don’t have to tell us about:

  • any convictions or offences that occurred seven or more years ago, if you haven’t reoffended
  • any conviction or offence that was not ‘specified’ and did not result in imprisonment or corrective training.

Read about the Clean Slate scheme