About the
He whakamōhio mō Te Pou
Whakamana Kaimatū o Aotearoa
Who we are
The Pharmacy Council is a Responsible Authority created by the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act (HPCA Act) 2003 and protects the public by ensuring that pharmacists are competent and fit to practise. We set the standards required for pharmacist training. We authorise the registration of pharmacists so they can practise, and we consider their applications for their annual practising certificates. We receive and consider complaints about pharmacists’ conduct, fitness to practise or health.
Our performance
Pharmacy Council 2021 Performance Review Responsible Authorities (RA), such as the Pharmacy Council, are required to undertake periodic performance...
What we do
Enhanced wellbeing through excellence in pharmacy practice.
Council members
Pharmacy Council members are appointed by the Minister of Health. The Council has eight members including six pharmacists and two lay members.
Operations team
The Pharmacy Council members appoint the Chief Executive who then appoints the operations team. Our operations team helps the Pharmacy Council run smoothly.
Development projects
The Pharmacy Council undertakes several projects each year to respond to emerging regulatory and pharmacy practice trends.
See our address and all contact details.