

Intern Pharmacist Registration Checklist

Registration in the Intern Pharmacist scope of practice

The next big step in your journey is just around the corner – and it’s all about becoming a registered Intern Pharmacist! Starting from early December this year, you’ll be able to submit your registration application form. It’s still a couple months away, but trust us, you don’t want to wait until the last minute (some documents required can take a few weeks to get sorted).

Timeline summary – mark in your calendar

Early November Online registration for the Intern Training Programme (ITP) opens. You will receive an email from the ITP team when enrolments open if you are a student member of the Pharmaceutical Society of New Zealand.

Early December Online registration with Pharmacy Council opens. You will receive an email from us with a link to the intern pharmacist application. Make sure you have all documents sorted by the end of November and the fee is paid – it can help with a smooth and stress-free registration.

15 December Pharmacy Council starts registering Intern Pharmacists and issuing Annual Practising Certificates (APC).

Early January If your registration has been approved (and you received the intern APC) and have enrolled with the ITP you can start claiming your supervised intern practice hours. Please note: ITP will validate it separately. It is recommended that you start the ITP on or as close to 10 January as possible.

Early January Unless there are exceptional circumstances, your application should arrive by this date. It is recommended to be registered with Pharmacy Council by this date to start the ITP on time.

Mid-January ITP enrolment process closes – make sure to apply on time.

Required documents – checklist

Before we give you access to the application form, we have provided a short list of the required documents, so you can start gathering what you need. We recommend you start now by getting a certified copy of your ID and police check document sorted.

Police Check

Start by requesting your criminal record from the New Zealand Ministry of Justice. It might take around 20 working days to land in your inbox (you can pay a fee for a quicker route).

Save record received as ‘[your Surname]_police check.pdf’ before uploading with your application.

Please note: we only accept Ministry of Justice records that are no older than 60 days.

Identity Verification

ID Document

One certified copy of an ID document (birth certificate, NZ driver’s licence, passport details page, or citizenship certificate)

Make sure your ID document is certified by either a Justice of the Peace, Solicitor, Notary Public, or Court Registrar. We won’t accept copies that have not been certified.

Save the certified ID copy as ‘[your Surname]_ID.pdf’. Please note: if your name has changed (e.g. through marriage), get your name change document certified too and save it as ‘[your Surname]_namechange.pdf’.

Please note: Two separate forms of identification are going to be required. Please make sure they’re clear when you scan them and save them in PDF format.


One verified passport-sized photo (no selfies). You can have it taken at a local pharmacy or post shop. Once it’s done follow our template’s instructions

Please note: the photograph must be verified by someone who has known you for 12 months or more (not a family member or your partner, or someone with the same surname as you).

Fitness for Registration disclosures

Please note: To register in the intern scope of practice you must disclose any health or conduct matter (e.g., any investigation, university disciplinary procedures, decision/warning, conviction, physical condition or disability, mental illness, substance addiction or misuse) that may affect your future registration with Pharmacy Council, or prevent you from or impair your ability to undertake any regular tasks carried out by an intern pharmacist.

For more information on what can affect your fitness for registration click here.

Registration fee

There’s a fee associated with the Intern application registration. Fees are non-refundable. Click here for fees.

Keep the receipt we emailed to you, as your future employer may reimburse cost of this fee.

Intern Training Program for New Zealand and Australian BPharm graduates

Contact the team to gather information about their enrolment process and its requirements [email protected] | 04 802 0039

Please note: Registration with the Intern Training Programme is possible as soon as enrolments open in November. You do not need to wait until you have your Annual Practising Certificate from the Pharmacy Council. The Pharmaceutical Society of New Zealand recommends you get in touch with their team straight away to start gathering documents that will allow you to complete that process without any delays and start your internship on time.

Useful links:

Intern Training Programme

Pharmacy Council website

Pharmacy Council Intern Policy